Some of my publications

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J. L. Arcos, Cañamero, D., and López de Mántaras, R., Affect-Driven CBR to Generate Expressive Music, in Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. Third International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR'99, 1999, vol. 1650, pp. 1–13.
D. Cañamero, Emotions pour les agents situés, in Intelligence Artificielle Située, A. Drogoul and Meyer, J. - A., Eds. Paris: Hermès science publications, 1999.
E. Giménez and Cañamero, D., First Proposal for an Agent Architecture for Team and Multiple Task Coordination: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer, in Proc. 2nd Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCIA'99), Girona, Spain, 1999.
D. Cañamero, Arcos, J. L., and López de Mántaras, R., Imitating Human Performances to Automatically Generate Expressive Jazz Ballads, in Proc. AISB'99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999, pp. 115–20.PDF icon Canamero_et_al_Imitating_human_performances_to_automatically_generate_expressive_jazz_ballads_AISB1999.pdf (40.49 KB)
D. Cañamero and Corruble, V., Situated Cognition: A Challenge to Artificial Intelligence?, in Learning Sites: Social and Technological Contexts for Learning, J. Bliss, Säljö, R., and Light, P., Eds. Elsevier, 1999, pp. 223–235.
B. de Boer and Cañamero, D., Situated Learning in Autonomous Agents, in Learning Sites: Social and Technological Contexts for Learning, J. Bliss, Säljö, R., and Light, P., Eds. Elsevier, 1999, pp. 236–248.
D. Cañamero, What Emotions are Necessary for HCI?, in Human-Computer Interaction: Ergonomics and User Interfaces Vol. 1, Munich, Germany, 1999, pp. 838–842.
D. Cañamero, A Hormonal Model of Emotions for Behavior Control, 1997.
D. Cañamero, Modeling Motivations and Emotions as a Basis for Intelligent Behavior, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents'97), Marina del Rey, CA, USA, 1997, pp. 148–155.
D. Cañamero and Van de Velde, W., Socially Emotional: Using Emotions to Ground Social Interaction, in Socially Intelligent Agents. Papers from the 1997 AAAI Fall Symposium, 1997, pp. 10–15.
